Friday, February 19, 2010

Importance of the paper prototype

The paper prototype is very important because it is basically your game, just on paper. This allows you to experiment with your settings and other parts of your game.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mini game Tutorial

The mini game tutorial was some what hard but I love to have a challenge. At first I was stuck but once I read on I found out how to do it. I look forward to making our own game in the future.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Chris Knapps Blog

Today I looked at Chris Knapp's Blog and I found that he seems interested in this class and the game we will make he just doesn't seem sure about the genre of the game.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Game topic

The game genre I chose was shooter. I chose shooter because that is my favorite type of game to play. Even though it is about shooting i plan to make it educational.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today i played a few games and i would like to share them with you.
The first game i played was Ayati the cost of life. This game showes you the way of life is in Haiti. Throughout the game family members have the chance to make money and go to school, but at the same time you can get sick, and the game is just like real-life,you have to pay for everything you do.I thought this game was well disigned and is very interesting.

The second game i played was Darfur is dieing, this game showes you how a little village in Africa works, the elders have to stay in the village while young boys and girls go get water.When they go out they have the chance of getting caught by the Janjaweed Malitia.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The importance of internet Saftey

Internet saftey is very important because if you are not safe you may give out information to the wrong person and they can find out where you live, they can even get your bank information and steal your money. To find out more on internet saftey please click the links below site tells you how to prevent been tricked into giving out information. - this site explains what children should be told about internet safety