Friday, April 30, 2010

Blogging with game design

I myself do not think we should have to blog about our game. The globaloria teachers urge blogging so much when it's not even a big deal. Blogging is just writing about your feelings or how you feel towards something, and in this case we are talking about our game, if we feel good and satisfied with our game then that's all we should have to put but instead we have this rubric to follow which is basically putting a restriction on how less we can feel towards our game which is really stupid in my opinion.

Monday, April 19, 2010

In Preparation

In preparation for our game Katie and I are going to start making a powerpoint presentation showing the fun facts about our game. I will post more updates as we proceed with the creation of our presentation.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Todays Catastrophes

In the past couple of months the world has seen many problems, from the earthquake is Hati to the mine disaster here in West Virginia. It is very unfortunate for everyone that these things are happening. Even though we can prevent somethings from happening, we cannot stop the earth from changing. We live on earth so we have to put up with whatever earth wants to do. Tectonic plates are moving, shore lines are receeding, and valcanoes are forming. These are all natural causes. I feel that we are blessed to live here on earth so therfore we will have to deal with somethings that happen.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Adding animation

Today during animation I made my red ball cross the screen at a nice slow flow.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Creating the interactive button

When I was creating the interactive button I didnt find it very difficult thanks to the videos. Once i mastered the making of the button I started getting a little creative with it and changed its shape, size. and color.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Frames & Keyframes

I intend on using frames to edit my game in an orderly way. A keyframe (un-edited) has a hollow circle, this indecates that the frame is a keyframe and has no content in it. A keyframe(edited) is a gray circle which indicates their is content in the frame.